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Annuity Lead Systems

If you have read the previous posts on generating annuity leads and buying annuity lead lists, you now know what to ask before buying someone's annuity lead system:

1. how are the leads generated
2. did the prospects get talked into it or did they respond of their own initiative
3. what offer did they respond to—was it specific about annuities or general
4. what will be the cost per lead

If the answers above sound okay, then do the math.  Assume you will need to generate 10 leads to have one new client.  What will your return on investment be?  Now cut it in half.  Are the numbers still compelling?  If so, this is an annuity lead system worth trying.

Word or caution—don’t try it for 3 days.  Very few things work in 3 days.  We have found one big difference between annuity agents selling annuities that never make it and those that make millions.  Those that don’t make it try something and if they don’t get a payoff fast, they toss it and move on.  They leave behind them a strong of systems and tactics and trials that did not work (because they were not given enough time).

The big producer will NOT give up on a system or a method until they have tried 190 ways to make it work.  Only when they have exhausted all of the alternatives, will they try something else.  In other words, if you give up fast, you’ll be out of the business fast.

ProspectMatch is a source of annuity leads


Annuity Lead Systems | Annuity Sales | Annuity Leads | Financial Advisor Leads | Financial Planning Leads

2 thoughts on “Annuity Lead Systems

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    Annuity Lead is good system.

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