Poor Advertising.
Most agents selling annuities or other financial products would agree that ads selling annuities generally look the same and are all equally boring and non- attention grabbing. If you go on using the same advertising message that has already done the round for the last ten years in different avatars, then you should not expect to get any good leads from this kind of advertising. On the other hand, by simply changing your ads with the use of attention grabbing headlines and outlining the benefits of your products, you can raise the number of annuity leads generated per campaign exponentially.
Poor Marketing
Now you would go ahead and say that your cold calling staff is well trained and that they get you satisfactory annuity leads. But do you want to spend the rest of your life with a business whose performance is just that—satisfactory? An extremely large number of annuity sellers rely on only one kind of marketing instrument—direct mailers, emails, cold calling, seminars, endorsements or referrals. But do you know of any successful company that markets through only one single medium? Frankly speaking, I don’t. A good multi-pronged marketing plan is necessary for you if you want to survive in the competitive business of annuity sales.
A Loser’s Attitude
To tell you the truth, most losers do not realize two facts—one, that they are losers and second, that they are the only people responsible for their failures. The annuity selling business will always go through good and bad phases, but the person who can face problems head on and handle them will be the one who will succeed. This is not rocket science, but still we find a large majority of people selling annuities questioning God, circumstances, destiny and what not in order to find out the solution to their problems. There is only one solution to your problems, face them, address them and change for the better.
Be Everything To Everyone.
A large number of annuities today are focused on the senior group aged above 50. However, if you get an annuity lead who is aged 40, won’t you try to sell a similar product to that person? The inner salesman in you would never let that opportunity go, but unfortunately, most such sales either do not take place or result in customers who suffer from major cases of post purchase dissonance. Identifying a niche and becoming a specialist is important for survival in a world that is all for customization.
Not Following The Right Annuity Leads
To follow the right annuity leads, you will first need to find the right annuity leads, and you will never find them selling for a dollar each. Getting the right kind of annuity leads involves the use of different kinds of lead generators like seminars, booklets and informational websites where people genuinely interested in buying annuities volunteer their contact details themselves. If you cannot find such annuity leads yourself, buy them because even if they cost more, they will eventually give you an ROI that will be much greater than what you will get with cheaper but non-focused annuity leads.
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