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Innovative Ways to Generate Annuity Leads

If you’re in annuity sales, you already know that you need to have annuity leads that will generate sales to stay in business.  Some of these leads will come from traditional advertising, but if you rely on advertising alone to generate annuity leads for your business, you’ll miss some opportunities as different people pay attention to different sources of information.  You want a multi-pronged approach to generate annuity leads.

The good news is that advertising isn’t the only way to generate leads – you just have to be willing to think outside the box to generate a full complement of annuity leads.  The following are just a few innovative ways to generate annuity leads to get you started:

• Networking

Networking is the new buzz-word in marketing, but many people don’t understand how easy it is. Networking is more than just joining the local chamber of commerce and attending their after-hours business events.  Every organization, club, and group you are a member of gives you an opportunity to meet new people and share what you do for a living.  You never know who is in the market for an annuity – some of your best clients could come from people you meet in your weekly pick-up basket ball game!  Joining civic groups, sitting on the boards of nonprofits or even just talking to people while you workout at your gym or shop for your groceries is great ways to network.  When asked what you do, don;t say "I sell annuities."  State it in terms of their benefit, "I help people generate a retirement income they cannot outlive."

• Offer to speak at networking events

Don’t just join your local chamber of commerce or civic group – offer to speak at their networking events.  The organizers of these events are always looking for people who are willing to get up and talk, and they can be a great way to get your name out to a targeted group of people.  Try to tailor your presentation to the group you’re speaking to.  If you’re speaking to a group of business people, talk about how guaranteed payments from an annuity can help protect them if they experience a slowdown or go out of business.  Just be sure your content is informative, and not sales-oriented in nature – nothing will get you kicked out of these groups faster than if you get up and try to sell them something!

• Trade shows

You don’t have to buy an expensive booth to make trade shows work for you, although having a booth is well worth it (e.g. at an RV show or other event that attracts older investors).  Go to a trade show and walk around.  Present your information to those who have booths and to those who are just walking around the facility.  Even small cities have a few trade shows each year, filled with hundreds of prospects you can target.  If you do get a booth, make sure you use it properly.  Have a neat, well-designed display and don’t ever leave your booth unattended – you may miss a hot prospect!

• Ask your satisfied clients for referrals

Word of mouth is a great way to generate annuity leads.  After all, who better to advertise your business than a satisfied customer?  Consider offering incentives like a $50 gift certificate for each referral that buys an annuity or donation to their favorite charity.

When looking for annuity leads, don’t be afraid to try new things.  If you’re in sales or marketing, you always have to be on the outlook for new prospects to keep growing your business.  Think outside of the box and keep your business cards on hand at all times – you never know when you’ll come across someone who’s the right prospect.


Generate Annuity Leads | Annuity Leads | Annuity Sales| Financial Advisor Leads | Financial Planning Leads

19 thoughts on “Innovative Ways to Generate Annuity Leads

  1. Conferencing Services says:

    Yes, I can appreciate in your proposal, especially in terms of selling like an agent or CCA we need to have leads so that we can sell. I remember on my calling times it’s hard to call a person those I irate people, they hung up you and then the agent call for couple day again and again…
    Although it’s really devastating and stand the pain, I still work for sake of my family and for (MONEY)!  . Be responsible enough there’s no time for lazy person!

  2. scorpion says:

    Awesome article. Not many people think about how much money they loose if they retire early. Which I think is a really bad thing in personal planning.

  3. Dorthy says:

    Referrals are great ways to establish connections with your clients and get the proper feed back that will help you grow.
    Thanks for these great tips.

  4. I have worked in lead generation before but not specifically annuities, so I have recently tried a few of your tips and they were all great - asking clients for referrals was especially effective - thanks.

  5. Robert Landi says:

    Thanks for wonderful tips for generating more leads. I think the idea about supplying speaks in conferences is one of the best ways to generate leads.

  6. Motorcycle Leather Suit says:

    The absolute worst thing you can do when selling annuities is to use a “one size fits all” sales process, marketing annuities in the same way to each of your annuity prospects.

  7. maaya says:

    It is something to be considered that selling Annuities is found to have their own process of sales

  8. Andung says:

    There are also some ways to generate annuity leads offline. One option is to invest some money into postage and mail out sales letters, flyers, or inserts that advertise our product.

  9. gshanma says:

    Always look for non conventiontal marketing ways to sell annuties, as there can be a potential customer from an unexpected quarter- thanks for giving some excellent tips

  10. artur says:

    • Ask your satisfied clients for referrals
    Awesome article. Not many people think about how much money they loose if they retire early. Which I think is a really bad thing in personal planning.

  11. Amudhan says:

    Author has great ideas for generating leads for annuity sales. These ideas can also be used in other sales also

  12. free downloads says:

    Cold calling may not be the best or most successful way to generate new business, it is an priceless skill in and of itself that every professional insurance broker should master

  13. maximus295 says:

    I don't think cold calling is very effective compared to networking, networking is easier because its not just one at a time. If you have a the proper online social network, one post or tweet can be viewed by hundreds or thousands.

  14. maximus295 says:

    Cold calling is probably the most tedious way to generate new buisnes, you would be better of generating business leads by making a social network such as twitter, dig, etc. Where it can be viewed by the thousands.

  15. I fully agree that advertising isn’t the only way to generate leads.

  16. Trailers and Reviews says:

    Cold callings are not an effective method in my opinion, just annoying most of the time.

  17. Janet says:

    ya only advertising is not the generate leads, quality also matters in product popularity

  18. Shawn says:

    Awesome article. I agree with you that advertising isn’t the only way to generate leads.

  19. Various Methods To Obtain Annuity Clients | Entertaining Animals says:

    [...] Generation of annuity leads must be a part of your daily routine in order to grow a thriving business. By getting the sales training that focuses on the many aspects of financial sales, it will be easier to avoid many of the mistakes that are made by start-up businesses. A long-term business strategy and marketing plan that has been developed after learning the intricacies of the business will be beneficial in providing the consistent revenue and growth that you want. [...]

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