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Does This Account for Your Lack of Success?

Published on August 8, 2024 in Uncategorized by Bob Richards

Our company has interacted with thousands of life insurance agents. Many are financially successful. We observe that those who lack success lack a skill that is fundamental to success as an agent. We call it “sense of other.” These agents who lack the skill, as do most people in America, see everything from their point Read more...

Unique Ideas to Increase Life Insurance Sales

Published on July 2, 2022 in Uncategorized by Bob Richards

Additional Uses for Life Insurance Life insurance agents have several opportunities for marketing and income that are often overlooked. Hopefully, you exploit these additional uses for life insurance. Some agents view their task too simply as selling a new policy. But so many additional opportunities exist. I urge you to contact the advanced underwriting department Read more...

A Better Way to Start Every Phone Call

Published on June 23, 2022 in Uncategorized by Bob Richards

A Better Way to Open a Call This tutorial is for outbound calls you make to people who do not know you. At first, you will reject this idea because you have been doing it differently your entire life. But if you reject something new because it is "new." it is impossible to learn something Read more...

Financial Advisor Marketing - Advanced Tactics

Published on November 2, 2017 in marketing by Bob Richards

successful financial advisor
How to Be an Expert at Financial Advisor Marketing and Continuously Attract and Obtain Better Clients Diversification May Be a Wise Investment Practice, But It's Lousy for Your Financial Advisor Marketing From the time you entered into the financial services, you've been told that diversification is good.  And you can see the evidence with the explosion Read more...

Branding Yourself: A Waste of Money for Small Business and Solopreneurs

Published on March 8, 2017 in direct mail by Bob Richards

Branding: Leave it for Big Businesses You read a lot of articles about the importance of branding yourself to gain clients.  These articles are written and inspired by people who want to sell you branding services such as brochures, social media services, and public relations.  The problem with personal branding is that you can spend Read more...

This One SIMPLE Idea Will Explode Your Business

Published on August 15, 2016 in Uncategorized by Bob Richards

marketing vs sales
I want to share a simple concept that will explode your business. Many advisors and agents will read this post but a very small percentage will implement the suggestion. They just won’t be able to get their head around this concept, as simple as it is. Here’s the concept: Sell what people want. You probably Read more...

Overlooked Sources of Annuity Sales Leads

Published on November 21, 2014 in annuity marketing by Bob Richards

There is no doubt that life annuities are one of the best ways to secure a steady income for anyone of retirement age. The number of companies and agents offering life annuities is continually increasing with time as the US population ages and demand increases. With this increased competition, the chance that a prospect will Read more...

Breakthrough in Converting Annuity Leads

Published on November 16, 2014 in annuity leads by Bob Richards

In marketing, there is always a big discussion about which is more effective: direct marketing or branding. Let's make sure we understand the difference between the two and use that in converting annuity leads. Branding vs Direct Marketing for Obtaining and Converting Annuity Leads Any type of lead generation is direct marketing. You either have Read more...