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Category: direct mail

Branding Yourself: A Waste of Money for Small Business and Solopreneurs

Published on March 8, 2017 in direct mail by Bob Richards

Branding: Leave it for Big Businesses You read a lot of articles about the importance of branding yourself to gain clients.  These articles are written and inspired by people who want to sell you branding services such as brochures, social media services, and public relations.  The problem with personal branding is that you can spend Read more...

How To Make Sure Your Direct Mailers Do Not Get Junked

Published on September 10, 2008 in direct mail by Bob Richards

Selling annuities is a highly competitive job, and while many prospects you meet might not have come across an annuity agent before they would have come across some or the other kind of financial agent and would be well aware of what a regular sales pitch could be. So the first thing that you need Read more...