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How To Make Sure Your Direct Mailers Do Not Get Junked

Selling annuities is a highly competitive job, and while many prospects you meet might not have come across an annuity agent before they would have come across some or the other kind of financial agent and would be well aware of what a regular sales pitch could be. So the first thing that you need to do in order to make your sales leads and prospects turn into clients is to differentiate yourself from others in the same business. Since the product you are selling is the same as the others, the only differentiation can be carried out at the marketing level.

How you market your annuity products creates the difference that will decide whether you are a success or a failure. An important thing that you need to do in order to get high quality annuity leads and convert them into customers is to first have a detailed marketing plan. Create your marketing plan based on your budget, resources, targets and your clients.

Some of the most important and influential methods of annuity marketing and gathering and following up on annuity leads are direct mailing, holding seminars and powerful advertising. A majority of annuity salesmen today resort to direct mailing without getting any great results, but by following our advice on creating powerful direct mailers, you will be able to see a definite rise in the number of prospects who respond to direct mailers.

Most prospects that you will reach out to today are savvy enough to throw more than 90% of the junk that they receive in the mail into the trash without reading it. So while direct mailers are an effective method of reaching out to your annuity sales leads, you will have to make sure that your mailers are different from the rest of the mail that your prospects receive. Ways of doing it are to send mailers that look different (use large size post cards or colored envelopes) and are personalized (write the address by hand or print it on the envelope instead of using a printed sticker).

Once you have caught your prospect’s attention, provide him useful information and hints in your mailers instead of creating a sales pitch. Creating a series of mailers offering tips on getting the best annuity rates or explaining how the annuity formula works will not only establish you as an expert in your prospects’ eyes, it will also make them look forward to your next bit of advice in the mail. If you offer a toll free number where your annuity leads can call for a free “consultation”, you will very soon have a list of annuity leads who want to become customers.

Another thing that you can do to get your prospects to call you instead of your calling them is to offer them a free but useful product with your direct mailers.  Offer a booklet on “Financial Planning After Retirement” or something about “All Kinds Of Annuities Explained” that they can order by calling your toll free number or emailing you. Dispatch the product ASAP and call these annuity leads to ask if they want more information about annuities or if they want to invest in any of the annuities mentioned in your booklet.

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Direct Mailers | Annuity Leads | Financial Advisor Leads | Financial Planning Leads

One thought on “How To Make Sure Your Direct Mailers Do Not Get Junked

  1. Thanks for the blog post, always struggle with direct mailers. Might have some more luck now!

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