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Insurance Newsletter has Prospects Call You

Stop This from Happening

You meet an annuity prospect, but he does not make an appointment. Or you do meet with him, but he decides not to take action. So you put his contact information into your tickler for a call in 90 days. When you call him in 90 days, you find out he has just invested $100,000 into an annuity that would have grossed
you $8,000. But he had forgotten about you. In fact, he says, “Geez, Joe, I would have made this
investment with you, but the guy at the bank caught me when I was rolling over a CD.”

To maximize the yield from your seminars, direct mail or any other marketing program, it’s critical
to drip on people you have met but who did not make an appointment or become a client. Eventually
they will. You have to be in front of them:
1. At the right time, and
2. With the right message

And if you fail to maintain contact, to sonduct drip marketing, the above scenario will happen to you again and again. Money, transactions, policies and commissions will continue to slip through your fingers.

“The very best money I have ever spent in my business is the insurance newsletter I obtain from your firm ... it never fails to generate $15-20k of commissions each mailing.” B. Broich, WA

This is where most financial professionals fall down. They waste significant prospecting effort
meeting people, yet never bring these people to full boil. They waste time and energy heating the water,
yet fail to keep the flame burning. Their hot prospects cool off and disappear. Read on and see how the
right insurance newsletter converts these prospects to clients.

Drip Monthly

The right monthly insurance newsletter will help you turn prospects into clients. Why monthly? Because people have a lot of distractions in life and they see lots of offers and advertisements. After 30 days, they barely remember who you are. But by having your silent salesman (your insurance newsletter) show up in their mailbox every 30 days, you stay fresh on their mind.

If you’ve been sending a quarterly newsletter, save your money! After 3 months, they don’t remember who you are and when they receive your newsletter they think to themselves, “Who’s this guy?” and they toss it out.

If you do not keep in touch with clients and prospects, someone else will. Another financial professional will invite your clients to seminars and keep pounding them with their insurance newsletter, and your clients’ assets and prospects will drift elsewhere. The only efficient way to stay in front of your prospects and clients is with a monthly insurance newsletter.

“Just a note to let you know that in the short time that I have been using your newsletter I have picked up an additional $300,000 in assets under management.” T. Treacy, NY

Target Your Audience to Generate Sales

Sending just any newsletter WILL NOT do the job. You’ve seen what most professionals send—some boring junk about a change in the tax law, the latest economic report, statistics from the Fed, political commentary... BOOORING!!!!

The prospect cares about only one thing: “What’s in it for me?” They couldn’t care less about some economic prognostication or the change in the fed funds rate. They want to know, “How am I gonna make more
money?” Or in the case of seniors, they ask, “How can I best preserve my principal and obtain more income?”

Your insurance newsletter, targeted at the affluent 50+ audience, addresses their concerns and solutions regarding investing for income, investing for growth, mutual funds, annuities, long-term care, estate
planning, and tax minimization.

So you send an insurance newsletter that tells them point blank how they can make money or save it. Every article answers the question, “What’s in it for me?” As a result, the newsletter generates business for you because people call you to learn more; it’s not just some low-key public relations tool. It generates commissions and fees! In the next post, I’ll explain why they call you from this insurance newsletter.


Insurance Newsletter | Drip Marketing | Financial Advisor Leads | Financial Planning Leads

128 thoughts on “Insurance Newsletter has Prospects Call You

  1. TradeCounter says:

    Very nice ideas on the mailing monthly, any more and they may consider you to be "spammy" and unhelpful.

    Very nice example newsletter as well, some great tips and ideas. Many thanks.


  2. Offline mailing campaigns would be a good destributuin methode for the monthly newsletter. Our offline response rate is amazing.

  3. Auto Insurance Info says:

    Newsletters, whether by e-mail or postal mail, are a must, especially in the insurance industry. Insurance is a complex subject for most people, and a newletter that can enlighten and educate turns readers into customers. Same holds true for auto repair, law, investing and most other service industries.

  4. Kim Murray says:

    use to do seminars with a small group who marketing to the senior crowd. It was real slow and time consuming and I got frustrated and stop dealing with them.

    I have been saying for the longest that drip mail on your data base is the best way to gain credability with clients who have not doen business with you yet. But you have to stick with it which I am worikng on.

  5. no win no fee says:

    Being offline mail marketing is more involved work than online mail, its result is also better than online mail. I think offline mail is better due to its simple and easy to read. But online mail is still working and do not consume our time as offline mail.

  6. It is the best way to yield from your seminars... Definitely I am going to have a try on this newsletter.

  7. Gokkasten says:

    Monthly emails can be regarded as spammy but the articel gives great tips on creating valuable content for these newsletters. We live by translating the "What's in it for me" rule for our customers, it works!

  8. Andrew Croft says:

    Nice ideas on the mailing monthly, and i agree newsletters are a definate must. Good post

  9. Carbide says:

    Of course newsletter are nessesary for insurance industry particularly. It can help people to understand and make the right choice. Nice post.

  10. Newsletters, whether by e-mail or postal communication, are a staleness, especially in the protection business. Protection is a interwoven issue for most fill, and a newletter that can learn and educate turns readers into customers. Duplicate holds real for machine improvement, law, investing and most opposite force industries.

  11. Ganhe Dinheiro e Renda Extra says:

    Very good ideas about sending monthly. So they do not consider it spam.

    Very good example of the newsletter as well as some great tips and ideas.

    Congratulations on the excellent site and forgive me for English.

  12. Pop Up Displays says:

    I 100% agree... Newsletters definitely work.

  13. killy says:

    i agree with ganhe, it would be better to send monthly.
    a very often reciving mail is very anoying for some people.

  14. American Academy of Estate Planing says:

    How true! Turning prospects into clients takes time and patience. We've found email is a great source of solicitation, but it takes the personal contact to close the deal. We have an excellent system in assisting estate planning attorneys reach their goals. The American Academy of Estate Planning Attorneys (AAEPA) breaks Law Practice Management Systems for estate planning attorneys into a variety of areas as outlined in the Academy’s “Practice Building Handbook” which is an important cornerstone in the creation of both client and law firm business plans and estate plans.

  15. Auctions says:

    Very good post about sending monthly emails, so that they wont consider as spam, Seminars is also one of the best way to get good results. I think we can move in this way also. As per me mails, newsletters and seminars will yield high results. Thankyou for the nice post!!!

  16. Newsletters are like direct mail. Constant contact never seems to bring in much for me. Its better when they are looking for you.

  17. I have just found this site and its filled with some great information.
    This is a fantastic idea and I would have to agree that a monthly news letter would be the best. Keeps one more up to date.

  18. Amanda says:

    This is great information, but it is often hard to balance the "harassment" factor over the "remembrance" factor. While most people will perhaps not be annoyed with monthly newsletters there are many that still are. If only we could get people to understand that as there are only 12 months in the year you are actually only hearing from me 12 times!!

  19. Austin Auto Insurance says:

    Well the point is, that you have to right in front of your prospects at the right time, and with the right tools to convince him. if it still doesn't work, make a mark so that you will be the one he remembers on the exact time that he needs you, or the other way around. All you have to do is to leave him a significance that " I am right here and I am the one you need"

  20. Robert says:

    Great tips for the agents. It is a very good idea to send newsletters monthly. I was sending them one time in a three month and the result was disappointing. And I fully agree with a single word you have said about the information written in the newsletter. The potential client loves to read the information that is closely related with him. I will definitely bookmark this brilliant blog and look forward for other great tips.

  21. Winter Urlaub says:

    Well done - and about the newsletter is not a new idea but still effective - so go for it 🙂

  22. This is so true; I have noticed (in other niches than insurances) that a newsletter increases sales with more than double. (Online newsletters that is) it tends to have the coca cola effect, they see so much of you that they eventually begin to associate you with the business as being the top choose. Without a newsletter in place it is easy to forget about you and do business with someone else. I believe that a newsletter with frequent advertising is essential in every sales business.

  23. Raise Your Credit Score says:

    Sending out a monthly newsletter does help in having potential clients
    keep you in mind. They may occassionally call in response to something
    they read in the newsletter.

  24. structured settlement payments says:

    We have found email is a great source of solicitation, but it takes the personal contact to close the deal. We have an excellent system in assisting estate planning attorneys reach their goals.thanks..

  25. women's body building says:

    Agree with you that the right monthly insurance newsletter will help you turn prospects into clients. Thanks for your awesome post.

  26. pdfservicemanual says:

    The newsletter approach should definitely work. But the biggest effort will be to create multiple newsletters in order to target your audience. That will generate more sales.

  27. I have been hearing webmarketers preach newsletters to increase sales for years now, but I am just now starting to catch on. Its taken a while (I hate that!). Thanks for the helpful insight.

  28. i belive people love free newsletters. When people visit site they want information and via a newsletter you give thme NEW information every month

  29. webhotel says:

    Insurance newsletter will not only help in giving you the latest updates on certain issue but will also solve your problems of risks in future.

  30. get pregnant fast says:

    I think offline mail is better due to its simple and easy to read. But online mail is still working and do not consume our time as offline mail.

  31. Liquidlogic Kayaks Team says:

    Offline mailing campaigns would be a good destributuin methode for the monthly newsletter. Our offline response rate is amazing.

  32. saddles for sale says:

    The internet is the answer, I can tell you that right now. Newsletters take time and effort whereas the click of a mouse button can send all the info you need to with little cost and as long as you don't spam your clients - it should be a fail safe method shouldn't it?

  33. tungsten wedding bands says:

    This is important in pretty much any business. If you don't do something to keep you fresh in their minds, you'll likely lose that potential client or customer.

  34. San Francisco Web Design says:

    It doesn't matter what line of business you're in... it doesn't get any better than potential clients, customers, prospects tracking you down and calling you day after day. That's why marketing to the right people and getting the right contact information from them are so important.

  35. boat yard ft lauderdale says:

    Dripping it in monthly is one of the most effective ways of doing this. People can learn a lot from this post if they've never used newsletters to keep their name out there over time. You gotta keep at it!

  36. carding says:

    Of course newsletter are nessesary for insurance industry particularly. It can help people to understand and make the right choice. Nice post.

  37. Raju says:

    Good thoughts on the mailing monthly and I be in agreement newsletters are a definite necessity.

  38. What is reasons this Insurance Newsletter Works?

  39. i think Term life insurance is already the cheapest and most inexpensive sort of life insurance available. Nevertheless, there are methods in making the premiums still cheaper if that’s your goal. You will di…what do you think?

  40. Franking Machines says:

    I completely agree with you. Most people don't stop and think "if I were receiving this email, would I read it?" When you focus on putting yourself in the prospects shoes, you can come up with a brilliant newsletter that can actually increase your sales. Thanks for sharing these useful tips.

  41. essay topics says:

    Of course newsletter are nessesary for insurance industry particularly. It can help people to understand and make the right choice. Nice post.

  42. Salt Lake City Commercial Photographer says:

    I agree that it is important to do a constant follow up to prospects. Keep reminding that you are there because if you don't, the prospects might just forget that you exist and they can easily find another broker.

  43. Newsletter is a great way to to keep clients loyal. It is also great idea to spend time to make it a great news letter otherwise it will wast time.

  44. William Brown says:

    I believe that a newsletter with frequent advertising is essential in every sales business.

    Chrysalis Living Wellness

  45. Day Trading Online says:

    thanks for the post. Newsletters are great way to keep a client aware of the latest happening and upcoming of a insurance company. Offline seminars and mailing also do the same purpose. Advertisements on newsletter boost the sale.

  46. capillary viscometer says:

    Newsletters are a great way to keep yourself on the forefront of potential customers minds. I myself find that actually contact in person or via the telephone is Much More effective though.

  47. pretrazivac says:

    Offline mailing campaigns would be a good destributuin methode for the monthly newsletter. Our offline response rate is amazing.

  48. new houses says:

    Great post! It's more convenient to use newsletters in keeping in touch specially to clients with a lot hopes on a insurance company. I also learned that having newsletters makes it more easy to be informed also same with advertisements.

  49. weddings says:

    insurance newsletter is just fine and I know a lot of people are earning on it. The problem is that or the cause that makes them fall down is that they didn't choose their target person at the start of doing it. Of course you don't send it to kids or to people who can't afford it.

  50. Mike @ DFO Wiki says:

    Thanks for the great help! Your sales strategy can work not only just for financial professionals but for any salesmen.

  51. Lisa Krempasky says:

    I tried a newsletter called Lisa Krempasky Estate Planning Techniques. It became too hard to keep up with for us.

  52. grayling estates says:

    When it comes to your business, communication is one of your greatest assets. Insurance clients absolutely crave attention and communication. Building relationships in any competitive insurance industry is no easy task, especially given the current economic climate. Yet client relationships are often neglected when the focus is on keeping your business afloat. These letters are the tools you need to start prospecting effectively, and will enable you to expand your client base in a professional and impressive manner.

  53. jim@falcon ridge says:

    The articles in your newsletter are limited in size, so not every point of view can be explored and not every question your clients may have about a topic can be answered. You can get a little closer to doing this in your video. In the podcast, just let your viewers know what article and newsletter edition you are discussing and start explaining the points and nuances that you think should be expanded on.

  54. When it comes to your business, communication is one of your greatest assets. Insurance clients absolutely crave attention and communication. Analysts estimate that it takes between four and seven contacts to connect with a client and make a sale. After all, a sale is not an event, but a process. Let a series of letters work for you to demonstrate to potential client why you are the best choice for his/her insurance needs.

  55. SQL says:

    The impact of the newsletter is plays major role general people perspective. A good advertisement will surely give good results. SQL

  56. Lee online at home says:

    whata great idea it is alwats better to recieve a newsletter make it more real great post thanks

  57. Stop Smoking Tablets says:

    Newsletters are a great marketing tool but you have to give your readers something in every issue. It doesn't have to be tangible, it can just be entertainment.

    In my opinion, there is no one that writes better newsletters than Perry Marshal. I look forward to getting his newsletter each week and it always has a very interesting story that somehow weaves itself around the product he is selling.

  58. jesse's bluff says:

    Before choosing a life insurance agent, trust must be established and then proven. This can sometimes be a lengthy process, but with these letters, you will be able to prove yourself to a prospect before you even speak with him/her! Also highlighting the benefits of life insurance and the peace of mind it can bring, these letters are sure to bring you great success. Offer your clients and prospects a no-obligation discussion of the need for a life insurance policy that will alleviate worry about the future. The newsletter is a reminder that life insurance provides peace of mind as well as financial security for the surviving family.

  59. Alice says:

    You're right, most newsletter I receive is boring. The idea you posted here is great; "What's in it for me?" is the key.
    Alice - harley davidson women's shoes

  60. west terrace says:

    Having an insurance newsletter will help people understand and make the right choices. Enjoy the benefits of having an insurance newsletter. Keep prospects and clients thinking of you. Update your product information quickly and cost-effectively. Build credibility and trust while more easily building relationships with your target clients. Stand out from the competition because of the valuable and timely information you provide. Respond instead of react to changes in your industry. Break out of the boring seasonal marketing mold and tie offers to your newsletter content or upcoming programs and products.

  61. pat@the vineyards says:

    Email subscription tool also allows you to customize the news letter based on your theme. Another major advantage is that you can schedule the delivery of your news letter for a certain day or a week or a month. With an Email subscription service running on your blog, you can definitely increase your readership and prospects in the insurance field.

  62. By becoming aware of what you say and how you say it, you can heat up your performance when making sales over the phone and in your face-to-face sales calls.
    If you can direct your conversation to what is on their mind and use your words to help shape your prospects’ attention, you will start getting results from your cold calls, your voice mails will get returned, and most importantly, you’ll set your sales on fire.

  63. Steven says:

    And I fully agree with a single word you have said about the information written in the newsletter. Analysts estimate that it takes between four and seven contacts to connect with a client and make a sales. Building relationships in any competitive insurance industry is no easy task, especially given the current economic climate.

  64. I think newsletter work really well, but they need to grab the attention immediately otherwise people will just disregard it.

  65. Yes I agree. Newsletters are a great way to get out to the public of what your interest are

  66. Newsletters are a great way to build up a cliental. Just got to make sure you dont spam them otherwise they wont take your emails serously when they see them in there inbox.

  67. Janice says:

    Building relationships in any competitive insurance industry is no easy task, especially given the current economic climate. These letters are the tools you need to start prospecting effectively, and will enable you to expand your client base in a professional. You can come up with a brilliant newsletter that can actually increase your sales.

  68. Danielle says:

    Insurance is a complex subject for most people, and a new letter that can enlighten and educate turns readers into customers. Yet client relationships are often neglected when the focus is on keeping your business afloat.

  69. basur says:

    Nice post about benefits of newsletters. A newsletter is a good way of contacting people.

  70. Jonathan says:

    What a great article. When I used to work in sales I found that the best deals came from those whom I had built up a rapport with over time, but by constantly calling them, but by finding reasons to stay in contact. I think that the idea of a monthly news letter is excellent because it offers an opportunity to appropriately target your auidence with key information that is specific to their needs.

  71. K2 says:

    If you're not doing newsletters your're definitely not up to par and losing many many leads.

  72. Marissa says:

    It is the best way to yield from your seminars… Definitely I am going to have a try on this newsletter.

  73. Las Vegas MLS says:

    This same rule applies for all businesses as a matter of fact. Targeting is perhaps the single most important think in marketing a business.

  74. Excellent tips! I used to distribute a newsletter every 60 days, but I got a lot of unsubscribes in return. Now, I'm sending out the newsletter at least every month (every 30 days, as you describe above) and I'm getting way less negative feedback!

  75. Thanks for the info! A good email newsletter has to contain a few large call-to-action buttons, in my opinion. They should contain text like "Call us NOW!" or "Order NOW!" in order to trigger an action with certain prospects. Research has proven these things really do help!

  76. Credit Laws says:

    You're right on about boring newsletters, it's not 1990 anymore! Boring newsletters are a thing of the past, thank goodness. Informative, "this is what you get" insurance newsletters are the way to go. Thanks for the article, very informative!

  77. WC Quote says:

    Newsletters are a great tool for customer acquisition in the insurance field.

    WC Quote

  78. I have had very good luck with newsletters for my online business. You must be consistant and get them out on a regular schedule.

  79. horror games says:

    Personally i think its time for new methods, newsletters and email campaigns are old and do hold as much weight as they used to

  80. That is very encouraging. A friend of mine has had good success with a newsletter to chiropractors for his personal injury law practice.

  81. payday loans direct says:

    I just find these articles for insurance newsletter with great tips and knowledge.

  82. Seo Company London says:

    I am not agree this post that all Insurance Newsletter has Prospects Call You.
    because the later are com every time different. thanks you but it is a good article.,

  83. david says:

    An important thing to note is that in a newsletter, one has the chance to innovate and improvise. One without any help using the tools available on net can craft designs that leave an impeccable effect on the minds of all. You won't believe but at some point of time exclusivity does help in earning good rewards & accolades from the reader.

  84. new condos says:

    Unless they have an immediate need or came to you through a powerful referral, most potential customers won't buy right away. Often they will shop around and compare which means you will likely never see them again. However if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.

  85. brittany says:

    No one knows more about your business than you do which makes you an expert. Likely the construction of your own business has further left you with a great deal of expertise in your field. Share your nuggets of knowledge through your newsletter to deepen your relationship with your existing customers and convince potential customers that you are the answer to their problems.

  86. bill says:

    A good newsletter can secure the loyalty of existing customers – and remind them about the full range of products/services you offer. Win the confidence and interest of potential new customers who have paid only one visit to your website. Make it easy for existing customers to pass referrals to people they know who are likely to be interested.

  87. jim says:

    A newsletter allows you to add personal touches to your relationship and celebrate milestones, both your own and your client's. In addition to furthering your relationship with your clients, a newsletter can also allow you to introduce new products, offer special sales or discounts to your existing client base, and encourage referrals.

  88. Newsletters have now become the websites strategic channels. It is come up as a good solution for the webmasters to make visitors subscribe to their websites mailing list. Newsletters can be very useful in identifying potential buyers, it increases the chances of success of e-marketing campaigns.

  89. pat says:

    A newsletter can benefit a absolute marketing apparatus for both existent business as good as latest customers. However, a newsletter takes a little time as good as a little ideas to put together. When we can, a newsletter which can furnish constrained potentially have to emanate revenue, it might be value your time.

    1. admin says:

      The good news is that a financial newsletter, insurance newsletter or one for most other fields can be purchased and the provider need not write a word.

  90. new houses in spokane says:

    If you wish, or create content for your newsletter, you must remember that quality over quantity needed. One or two well written articles will earn you more than half a dozen articles mediocre. Many people do not read long newsletters, let alone read a newsletter full of information along so well.

  91. Diabetics guide says:

    if you have a free newsletter that offers interested clients the opportunity to learn more about you, your business, and your products for free and they can also learn more about your interaction with your existing customers. A newsletter can be a very simple strategy to turn a one-time visitor into a lifetime customer.

  92. new houses in coeur d'alene says:

    Newsletters are sent for various reasons like to abreast customers of the latest happenings inside the company in terms of various product launchings, new business policies and regulations, upcoming events, news about the achievements of the company and its employees and other stuffs that might be deem interesting and helpful to the customers.

  93. robert says:

    I agree to the point that long newsletter can be so boring. People are more attracted to newsletters that has niche. That will make the recipients wanted to know more. Honestly, I’ve thrown bunch of newsletters without reading the whole content,its because some of it are predictable. Your advice will really save money and have more sales not only to insurance companies but for other companies sending newsletters.

  94. new homes for sale in post falls says:

    It is true that Newsletter is one of the best way to promote your product with people know it that we are selling something to them. If you got a very long list of prospect you can easily make a lot of money by promoting your product thru your newsletter. That why people always said money is on the list.

  95. new communities says:

    This news letter is good idea for important issue! a lot of peoples living for
    Today and not preparing their future. It’s always sad to see old peoples that worked hard all life and retire without anything.

  96. Trailers and Reviews says:

    Offline news letters are a great sources as well.

  97. chris says:

    By using the newsletter marketing, easily you can reach the masses. Easily people can sign up for the newsletter, and send interesting piece of information in the newsletter. So better reach ability is the point here in short time is the quotient here.

  98. you insurance says:

    That's true..if you subscribe for any insurance newsletter, you will start receiving calls from various insurance agents.

  99. chris says:

    The newsletter provides relevant information, especially in retirement investment. I do hope that more people subscribe to the newsletter and enjoy the benefits if retirement investment.

  100. Drip monthly is a very effective tool. Keeps everyone up to date in the ever changing insurance industry

  101. buy online says:

    Its a great idea to send regular news and offers newsletter to your targeted audience(not non targeted). It will definitely enhance your sales and promotions.


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  104. I am sure everybody will want to get more insurance newsletters

  105. sending news regurlarly via newsletters is always a good idea

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    Your insurance newsletters will help you build long-term, profitable relationships with your clients. This isn’t about some quick-hit magic bullet. Instead, you will build yourself a business with a solid foundation of clients and prospects who know you, like you and trust you. Thanks a lot.

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  123. Peter Marden says:

    I fully agree that a regular newsletter is a must. We sent out monthly ones when I was selling life insurance a couple of years ago and it worked very well. It was not so effective at first though because the mailouts were not of particularly good quality so eventually we took on a retired journalist who worked for us for three days a week putting together a really interesting and up to date report, which he wrote with a great deal of humour. Prospects used to tell us how funny and useful they found it (interestingly enough the 'funny' bit always came first) and he repaid his fees many times over with increased business. The moral is to make sure the quality of the newsletter is high, after all you are selling a quality product so it deserves it.

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