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System Upgrades

Recent Upgrades to the Retirement Prospects System

We continually make improvements and upgrades to
the Retirement Prospects system to provide a better service and
help you close more sales. Below are some of the notable upgrades
to the system and software that we have made in the last
12 months.

  1. Increased advertising market to include baby boomers (45+), as this demographic,
    along with seniors, holds most of the country’s wealth.
  2. Increased number of consulting calls from four to eight per month, and
    now offer 10 new account calls per week.
  3. Added “guest presenters” to many consulting calls who successfully
    use Retirement Prospects to gain new clients.
  4. Additional training materials and follow-up resources have been included
    in the Back Office.
  5. Implemented a discount feature for those advisors who wish to prepay for
  6. Added a “vintage prospect” module, so advisors can buy blocks
    of leads at discounted prices, depending on the age of the prospect.
  7. Enabled backend software to identify and remove advertisers from our network
    who don’t meet quality standards.
  8. Added telephone verification software to automatically detect and remove
    prospects with disconnected phone numbers.
  9. Started the Retirement Prospects Mentor program, where successful system users offer
    weekly coaching calls to advisors new to the system, or who are looking to
    improve their results.
  10. Addition of an automated credit request system, so if you get a lead with
    bad information, it's easy to get a replacement credit.
  11. Implemented a daily cap on all accounts
  12. Implemented SMS messaging system to send a text everytime a new prospect
    is available in advisor/agent account
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Client Confidentiality

Client confidentiality is the principle that an institution or individual should not reveal information about their clients to a third party without the consent of the client or a clear legal reason. Retirement Prospects respects this right of our clients, and will never give out personal contact information to a third party without express consent. Comments posted on this site are used with expressed consent, and agreement that personally identifiable information will not be divulged.
