I believe any producing agent, if they follow the Retirement Prospects System, will find it can produce as many “warm” prospects as they want. Within four weeks of subscribing, I made enough commission to pay all of my prospecting expenses for a year. The system took me about 6 hours to learn from stem-to-stern and now takes me literally only minutes a day. I also like the fact that, while I can cut off the supply of leads when I wish, it provides the consistent and regular prospecting that all insurance agents need. I have found the booklets useful as contact pieces when I pre-approach for referrals, and useful with my existing clients prior to our annual reviews.
Over the years I have been in this business I've reviewed and paid for a lot of different prospecting systems. Almost all were disappointing, expensive and/or failed to deliver what they promised. No lead system will deliver 100% sales. What this program does is provides a turn-key method to contact warm prospects on a favorable basis where we have established credibility. I have also found asking for referrals has been easy because I have something of value to offer the prospect's friends and they are not afraid of turning a salesman on them.
The support and training has been much better than I expected. I had some difficulty setting up one of my booklets - you know - user troubles. I emailed help at Retirement Prospects.com and within 30 minutes they had me up and running. It's nice to have this kind of backroom support available.
- James, Portland, OR
James is a realistic guy. He knows that no lead system delivers 100% results. In fact, any prospecting method you use that gets you 2 appointments with every 10 prospects is a good prospecting system. James also understand the value of the booklet to position himself as a professional--whether for use with the lead system or for gaining referrals.
search terms: prospecting system