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Sell Annuities Through Client Relationships

Now, more than ever before, people are looking for security when they may financial decisions.  For some people, this involves seeking out the advice of a qualified financial advisor to assist in making the tough decisions about how their money is invested.  Obviously, you want to be this person that customers flock to with their assets, but how can you position yourself as a trusted advisor in the financial field?  How can you sell annuities and also serve people well? The key is in building a relationship with your clients.

Think about it – would you rather do business with a slick person who swoops in with glossy brochures and polished sales messages, or with someone who sits down with you to discuss your financial options and genuinely seems to care about your financial well being?  This distinction becomes especially apparent when dealing with senior citizens, who may be especially wary of dealing with anyone who comes off as too professional and impersonal.  There are several steps you can take to build this relationship with your existing clients and in the process sell annuities to them and their referrals:

• Try to get a full understanding of their financial situations

It isn’t enough to find out how much money a client has sitting in bank accounts and retirement investments.  Take the time to sit down with a client to understand the whole picture.  Where do they owe money and in what amounts?  What are their biggest fears about money?  When do they plan to retire and what type of lifestyle would they like to lead at this time?  When a client feels that you truly care about finding the best solution for them – whether or not it’s your product – they’ll be much more likely to work with you resulting in more annuity sales.

• Explain the terms of your annuities fully

A lot of annuity agents get a bad rap for glossing over the terms of annuity surrender periods and the fees associated with early withdrawals, leaving participants unaware of the risks associated with the investments.  And although these tactics may have helped them to make sales, the deception eventually catches up – many of these brokers are now being investigated by the SEC and may be subject to harsh fines and criminal sentences.  Instead, take the time to make sure your clients understand both the benefits and risks of annuities fully.  You don’t need to define every technical term in the fine print, just be sure that your clients are clear on what’s involved in the annuity. You’re likely to make more annuity sales to referrals when your clients feel they are fully informed.

• It’s the little things that matter

Sure, it may sound cheesy, but send that birthday card or Christmas card to clients that have purchased annuities with you.  They’ll appreciate your thoughtfulness and keep you in mind if they’re thinking about making further investments.  Also, take the time to make a follow-up phone call or two once a client has purchased an annuity to make sure that everything’s going according to plan and to see if they have any further questions.  Your clients will see you going the extra mile and feel more confident in the annuities they’ve purchased from you.  This is what leads to repeat annuity sales and referral annuity sales.

The real payoff from building a relationship with your client comes in the form of referrals and additional business.  People talk, and if they’ve had a positive experience with you, they’ll be much more likely to recommend you to other people they know that are looking for financial assistance and investment opportunities.

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Client Relationships | Annuity Sales | Annuity Leads | Financial Advisor Leads | Financial Planning Leads

127 thoughts on “Sell Annuities Through Client Relationships

  1. canli izle says:

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    I'm a big fan of your articles about sell annuties and marketing. I'have a question...How can i listen those articles. Because i saw an listen this post icon?

  2. Great post. I have read some of Tonny Robbin's books about building a client relationship from a sociological point of view.

    His biggest point which I use in my sales industrty is to ask a lot of questions. When you meet someone for the first time in any situation the qucikest way you can develop a relationship is to find out personal information about them. You do this by asking quesitons. Once a person tells you about their personal info, they have let you into their lives. If you respect and listen to what they are telling you, you are on the path to building a relationship in a very qucik manner

    The author here is dead on that instead of pumping high glossy brochers about ME, you sit down and discuss them.

    Great post and good selling!

  3. art brighton says:

    Hi canli izle,

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    at least it does for me and i have iTunes. If it doesnt work, maybe download iTunes (it is free)

    art brightons last blog post..Art Junky

  4. Thoughts That Make You Think says:

    I think it's all about selling through your channels in and with anything. You have built in trust and then can get referrals. Although it make take longer... It's more effective and efficient in the long run!

  5. Gustav Klimt Paintings says:

    I think for most businesses word of mouth is such a powerful tool - even in these days of internet businesses and ecommerce, people trust most someone that they trust and have dealt with previously, or secondly, someone who has been recommended to them by someone they trust.

    Gustav Klimt Paintingss last blog post..Gustav Klimt Timeline, The Kiss History

  6. Bill Tilley says:

    Great article, I sell annuities and find trust is the number one factor. Though I only deal with personal injury settlement recipients and we provide them settlement planning which in many cases include a structured settlement.
    Thank you for the information.


  7. Have to agree that many annuity sales people do have a bad rep because they don't give the full information, or they gloss over the points that will really impact their customers in the future. The information you provide though lets those potential customers have a source of information for what they should ask. Annuity sales people know what they have and can offer and the customer is relying on that knowledge. You also perhaps have opened the eyes of some of the sales people in that they can look at being more factual and relevant with their customers.

  8. Stock Clearance says:

    I think that when it comes to an annuity program, the more information the better. When an annuity program fully addresses all of your questions and concerns and then goes above and beyond by offering you additional pointers and advice, your chances of being successful increase. The more information that you have about selling your annuities and the more prepared you are, the more sales you will close. Earning top dollar commissions is much easier to accomplish when you have the selling annuity tips and tools that are required for success. This is exactly why annuities can be easily earned through clients!

  9. I have found that generally speaking it is creating trust and listening more than talking.

  10. Safety Boots says:

    I think the best thing on how to sell annuities pertains to customer service. If you provide a client with exceptional service and take the time to listen to all of their concerns and address them professionally, you will earn their trust and their referrals. If a businessman gets in on an annuity that is great and develops a relationship with the insurance agent he will certainly mention it to his colleagues who will inevitably contact you if they are interested in purchasing an annuity.

  11. Scott Bikes says:

    I definitely think in order for a person to be able to make a certain profit these days, it is important to organize things based on scenarios. This means that the focus is oriented towards customer service. Sellers that are unprofessional might not even attract too many customers. Therefore, it is important that you build a network of loyal customers to ensure that you keep on selling to clients and that you are still running in the business

  12. LMS says:

    The thought of a tax-free nonfluctuating inspiration of monthly sell income is beseeching for more people, as it allows them to salary different bills and it is is something that comes in period after month, ordinarily for some years. Some individuals install in annuities on their have or finished work, and annuities are quite lowborn when it comes to organic settlements in trauma cases.

  13. Jay @ Car Cleaning Products says:

    Thanks for the advice on Annuities, i personally prefer to use qualified people. In fact, even if i dont know what the letters after the name stand for, i still am impressed by it! Perhaps that is silly, but most people think like that. For this blog, which i think is excellently written, you could make use of the breadcrumb plugin to bring all these insightful articles together.

  14. Seven Jeans says:

    Thanks for the Post . I am actually looking forward for a financial adviser to help me in this regard . Any way, this post helped me to get the basics.

  15. suntouch says:

    I think the thought of a tax-free nonfluctuating inspiration of monthly sell income is beseeching for more people, as it allows them to salary different bills and it is is something that comes in period after month, ordinarily for some years. Some individuals install in annuities on their have or finished work, and annuities are quite lowborn when it comes to organic settlements in trauma cases.

  16. Print Services Birmingham says:

    I think to ensure you are building a viable financial system would be to write down the business plans you have in mind. Then, set the goals that you are targeting and let the customer be aware of that. Next, you should start working on attracting more prospects to your business by organizing meetings and appointments with them. Remain cost conscious of the services that you are offering and do no overprice things.

  17. George says:

    Your first point is the most important: Try to get a full understanding of their financial situations

    If the annuity meets the clients needs - your job should be easy.

  18. Finding the right annuity marketing strategy can be the most challenging part of the job. There are many companies out there that will promise that if you buy their program, you will be earning thousands of dollars in commissions within weeks. Many of these programs are not worth your time or money. You need to do some research before purchasing any of these to make sure you are buying a program that will provide you with all of the necessary information that you need to succeed..

  19. The annuity comes in different flavors in that it can be flexible, the premium or single, judging by the deposits made and the number of deposits over the years, by deferred or by immediate payment, judging by the time payment is set to start, by the money that was paid for them and the amount of taxation for that annuity as well as judging by the way the payments are made, whether they will come with interest or whether they will be accounted as being fixed or indexed.

  20. Building trust between the client and the advisor is the only way you will build a long term, mutuall beneficail relationship but like anything, it takes time and it can't be done overnight. Oh and I find that listening to your client is far better than talking all the time!

  21. One of the best attributes of any financial manager is how well they listen to the client. Of course really knowing what the clients true goals are is extremely important. Some folks have no tolerance for risk. A good adviser will not over step their bounds by making decisions that do not benefit the client.

  22. Amanda says:

    This sentence is probably the most important for those who require assistance "Think about it – would you rather do business with a slick person who swoops in with glossy brochures and polished sales messages, or with someone who sits down with you to discuss your financial options and genuinely seems to care about your financial well being? ". You want the feeling of understanding and genuine interest in your benefits at the end of a meeting, not just a whole bunch of glossy paper that confuses you left when the wind blows out the door with the agent!

  23. Gas Fires Liverpool says:

    If you are going to make a sale in todays world, there is only one principle that you should always stick with: good customer service. Nobody would like to buy something from an unprofessional and unaware seller. That is why it is important to build a client-focused approach to selling.

  24. fast cars says:

    The more information that you have about selling your annuities and the more prepared you are, the more sales you will close. Earning top dollar commissions is much easier to accomplish when you have the selling annuity tips and tools that are required for success. T

  25. Flueless Gas Fires says:

    Successfully selling annuities require a step by step procedure. You will have to do a preliminary planning by assessing your resources at hand. You will then begin to start your planning tailor-made to your prospects needs. Lastly, you will need to put your plan into action and try to build a lasting relationship with your client.

  26. Christan online dating says:

    I would agree that word of mouth is probably the most powerful marketiing tool, in building a client relationship based on trust. All too often the client is not buying the product per se but really buyinbg into the process of sale.

  27. concrete garages says:

    Selling annuities can be lucrative, but keep in mind that it’s a service. You are providing people with a secure future and solid financial stability through the golden years of their lives. You owe them a real responsibility. Know their needs. Discover their dreams. Work with their constraints and limitations. Each annuity package should be customized to meet the needs and advance the lives of your clients. You’re only worth your commission if your work truly improves the future lives of your clients.

  28. connecticut reverse mortgage says:

    The most important thing in selling annuity is your social relationships with clients. No doubt being familiar with financial situation and knowing market values of your client is important but every one goes for it. The thing which really matter is the attitude and behavior towards the client and of the client.

  29. ZinBay says:

    Income annuities go by many names. Perhaps you have heard them called SPIAs, immediate annuities or payout annuities. An income annuity is one of the most popular choices for funding retirement income. It provides you with a secure way to insure that the money you are saving for your retirement will provide you with an actual retirement income. An income annuity is good insurance to make sure that you don’t outlive your retirement savings.

    To get an income annuity, you contribute a single sum of money and in return you are guaranteed a steady flow of cash when you retire. You can get this retirement income for the rest of your life or a certain specified time limit, depending on which type of income annuity payout option you choose.

  30. Hi Viz Vests says:

    Building a genuine relationship and establishing trust is crucial (and it should be ongoing too as annuities can have a stigma thanks to bad rep). Like stated in the last paragraph, a consistant relationship with a client has too many benefits to not take seriously, for both parties involved.

  31. The information you provide allows you even if those customers have a potential source of information for what they should ask. The annuity sales people know what they have and can offer and the client relies on this knowledge. You also may have opened the eyes of some people selling in that they may seek to be more factual and relevant with their customers.

  32. andy becketh says:

    Most probably the best thing to sell annuities is affect to customer service. I f you build a good relationship to your client, and try to listen on their side then you earn their trust and referrals.
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  34. andy becketh says:

    Selling annuity doesn't need of expertise, its all about good communication to the prospect customer. You must build a good relationship to them to make them trust with you.
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    A lot of thing to do to get sale annuity repeatedly, you must show to your customer that you are doing extra effort for them. Make your customer gain more confident in your transactions.
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  38. Hi Vis Jackets says:

    The crux to being very good is trust, sa stated by Mark and others. Building trust between you and a client will then allow clients to make word of mouth recommendations to others looking to purchase annuities. It seems so simple but it isn't. This means that you have to be genuine in all facets of your business, offer impartial and the best advice and genuinely look after the interests of your clients!

  39. Stylish Clothes Shopping says:

    In selling annuities, it is advisable to give your clients various options, something that would fit their financial standing and insurance needs. Sometimes, annuity sales people doesn't ask feedback from recent clients, but they should do so. So that they will turn to you the next time they plan on availing insurance.

  40. Thanks for the interesting post. I think building trust between the client and the adviser is the correct way you will build a lasting trust. I look forward to reading more from you in the future.

  41. real estate articles says:

    The length of payment on your income annuity can be customized to fit your individual needs. You can choose a payout option that continues for the length of your life, a certain period of time, or even a combination of the two.

    When you choose to have a lifetime payout option, your income annuity will give you periodic payments for the rest of your life. Social security is a good example of this kind of payout. You pay into social security and then when you retire, you can expect to receive a social security check each month, for the rest of your life.

    Some people choose to have a specified payout time. For example you could choose to receive larger payments for only ten years. You can even combine the two payout options so that you receive payments for an agreed upon length of time or your lifetime, depending on which lasts longer.

  42. Good client relationship is a best way to sell annuities. In every aspects, in every type of business, good dealing with customer is your best asset. I try this when i selling timeshares from transfer smart and it so applicable. Try it!

  43. Check Backlink says:

    The information you provide though lets those potential customers have a source of information for what they should ask. Annuity sales people know what they have and can offer and the customer is relying on that knowledge.

  44. saad@structured settlements says:

    Selling annuities is a process that evolves as the relationship evolves. Once the lead is secured and the appointment made the real selling process starts with the fact finder. Most agents look as a fact finder as a method of collecting the "facts" of the prospective client. I don't!. To me a fact finder is using probing questions to find out how a prospect feels about themselves, their situation and their assets.

  45. At the end of the day the key to selling annuities and any other product is to educate people on the benefits and only provide/offer the product to people who truly will benefit from them.

  46. Some individuals install in annuities on their have or finished work, and annuities are quite lowborn when it comes to organic settlements in trauma cases.

  47. Finding the right annuity marketing strategy can be the most challenging part of the job. There are many companies out there that will promise that if you buy their program, you will be earning thousands of dollars in commissions within weeks.

  48. Roofing Materials says:

    Thanks for the advice on Annuities, i personally prefer to use qualified people. In fact, even if i don't know what the letters after the name stand for, i still am impressed by it!

  49. Green Building says:

    Thanks for the advice on Annuities, i personally prefer to use qualified people. In fact, even if i don't know what the letters after the name stand for, i still am impressed by it! Perhaps that is silly, but most people think like that.

  50. Annuity rates says:

    This website is a great annuities website

  51. Some individuals install in annuities on their have or finished work, and annuities are quite lowborn when it comes to organic settlements in trauma cases.

  52. Light Microscopes says:

    Thanks for the advice on Annuities, i personally prefer to use qualified people. In fact, even if i dont know what the letters after the name stand for, i still am impressed by it! Perhaps that is silly, but most people think like that.

  53. Chrome Bar Stool says:

    You should start working on attracting more prospects to your business by organizing meetings and appointments with them.

  54. Your last point is very important. Keeping in touch with past clients has always been key nowadays even more so. At least it's a lot easier now with things like email, facebook, twitter, etc - Plus all of these are free.
    I dread remembering how many envelopes I used to stuff and stamps I had to lick!

  55. Thanks for the advice on Annuities, i personally prefer to use qualified people. In fact, even if i don’t know what the letters after the name stand for, i still am impressed by it! Perhaps that is silly, but most people think like that.

  56. Herbalife says:

    Some individuals install in annuities on their have or finished work, and annuities are quite lowborn when it comes to organic settlements in trauma cases.

  57. I think successfully selling annuities require a step by step procedure. You will have to do a preliminary planning by assessing your resources at hand. You will then begin to start your planning tailor-made to your prospect’s needs. Lastly, you will need to put your plan into action and try to build a lasting relationship with your client.

  58. I guess in one sense you are really becoming friends with the prospect and the temptation to do so should be restricted. Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants. Remember, the secret to selling anything (annuities) is to understand how someone feels and how our simple products can bring benefit to their lives.

  59. I have always been pretty astute when it comes to financial matters but I must admit the one thing I do not know a lot about is annuities. You have some excellent information and advice.

  60. Tjene penger says:

    If you provide a client with exceptional service and take the time to listen to all of their concerns and address them professionally, you will earn their trust and their referrals.

  61. I guess in one sense you are really becoming friends with the prospect and the temptation to do so should be restricted. Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants. Remember, the secret to selling anything (annuities) is to understand how someone feels and how our simple products can bring benefit to their lives.

  62. Niche Ideas says:

    Good article! It is important to know a clients financial situation especially when in retirement years before locking them in annuities. A good financial investor will know how to get this info from their client in a friendly way. It also pays to be involved in the community as it gains trust and respect.

  63. I guess in one sense you are really becoming friends with the prospect and the temptation to do so should be restricted. Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants. Remember, the secret to selling anything (annuities) is to understand how someone feels and how our simple products can bring benefit to their lives.

  64. Doc Milo says:

    I definitely agree the, the client relationship means so much more these days, especially the last few years.

  65. cleaning services mississauaga says:

    Thanks for this great post about Annuities. Just like in any other business, building relationships with your clients is so important!

  66. Relationships are huge in business. Especially in the financial services where trust is such a big factor.

  67. Goedkoop says:

    I guess in one sense you are really becoming friends with the prospect and the temptation to do so should be restricted. Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants. Remember, the secret to selling anything (annuities) is to understand how someone feels and how our simple products can bring benefit to their lives.

  68. sequin boots says:

    When it comes down to it its all about making money. If a am referred to a financial advisor who I don't get a long with, but they still make me money. I'm okay with that.

  69. Workwear says:

    If a businessman gets in on an annuity that is great and develops a relationship with the insurance agent he will certainly mention it to his colleagues who will inevitably contact you if they are interested in purchasing an annuity.

  70. Bob Jenson@Web Design says:

    Coming from someone who has been stung a number of times by dodgy financial 'advisors', I actually find your post a refreshing change. I just need to find a IFA in New Zealand which isn't out to grab a short term buck then run.

  71. Tents says:

    Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants.

  72. Julian Reynolds says:

    I agree with most of what has been written but if there is one golden rule above all others, it is to traet your client the same way you would wish to be treated...with respect and clarity. That way your clients will always want to do business through you.

  73. Sellers that are unprofessional might not even attract too many customers. Therefore, it is important that you build a network of loyal customers to ensure that you keep on selling to clients and that you are still running in the business

  74. I agree, this is a decent option to help secure your retirement savings.

  75. Dennis says:

    Good article! It is important to know a clients financial situation especially when in retirement years before locking them in annuities. A good financial investor will know how to get this info from their client in a friendly way. It also pays to be involved in the community as it gains trust and respect.

  76. tyres says:

    Thank you for sharing. Building a relationship with customers has always be and will always be the key, i totally agree.

  77. Selling product allows you to have a relationship of counselor/client but deepening into a relationship can be financially awkward for both participants.

  78. hayfever relief says:

    Selling the plans will ensure that you will be able to make the money until the annuities will make you receive the money that you receive. Therefore, you might want to get away from a certain plan or perhaps you will be patient enough to receive cash, because a large purchase might need to oblige you to change plans. Therefore, you should think before you act and people who are not familiar with the rules will come across problems. Therefore, you should study more about annuities and contracts, especially those based on insurance.

  79. insurance says:

    intelligent, informed, and ethical financial advisors provide a great service. I've met many, and I know their clients are better off because of their services. Some of these good advisors even sell annuities -- but only in the limited number of situations for which they're appropriate. If you're looking for an advisor, or looking at an annuity, take extra time to make sure you're getting a good one.

  80. Short Sale says:

    Well there are many more ways to accomplish this task but if one has to avail of the better option, one should definitely consider selling his annuity to the financial experts. Anyways your suggestion was quiet nice & it can be a nice option as well

  81. Debt Settlement Attorney says:

    Annuities are, in general, highly safe investments. But considering the long run, they have relatively low returns compared to some other alternatives. So what you can do is to make it a short-terminvestment.

  82. Free Mortgage Quote says:

    I agree greatly with your first point. It is very important to sit down with the client and understand their needs fully before proceeding. This helps to make a smooth transaction and helps the client feel better about the investment too!

  83. Free Mortgage Quote says:

    You can also help them understand the different terms and concepts of annuities and how they work by visiting our site at

    Creating a the right plan is essential the any sales, and client relationship is based on trust and information provided.

  84. spanish fly says:

    How many referrals do the returns of annuities really bring? Have you really had much succes in this?

  85. We must always establish a good relationship with our clients and aim for an excellent service. The more they are satisfied, the more they'll gonna tell it to their friends. Chances are,more potential clients we'll have.

  86. CelebPhoneNumber says:

    Great post, I checked out ProspectMatch.

  87. Lisa@LisaKrempasky says:

    Explaining is the key. I've had so many clients sold annuities and they cannot remotely tell you what they bought.

  88. Java says:

    Great post! Thanks a lot. I'm also currently checking out ProspectMatch.

  89. I would be more apt to listening to the guy or lady who actualloy sits down with me. I run a business, and one thing I cant stand is all the slick salesmen. They just wont get off your back sometimes.

  90. Talitha says:

    Thanx for the post! I recently started checking out the ProspectMatch. So thanx for posting this. Like lisa said explaining is the key. Without explaining you won't ever tell what you really bought. And that is not so good! Aks an explaintion.

  91. It really is the little things that matter these days - you need to stay fresh in your clients' eyes. Networking and building relationships is a great way to remind people of who you are, what you do, etc and who knows? Maybe they'll think of you the next time they need to make an investment!

  92. sgam says:

    Given what the public think about this industry, I think you are right for people to think more about how they are perceived, especially as you say, to senior citizens. Nice article.

  93. Let me add one more thing:
    "Identify what’s most important to your customers"
    Focus on specific benefits that your customers are looking for. The best way to find out is to literally get on the phone or schedule a meeting with a handful of your best customers and simply ask them “What’s important to you when you’re buying what we’re selling?” Then be quiet and let them just talk. Listen for golden nuggets that may not have anything to do with WHAT you provide, but HOW you provide it. That’s where real value lies.

  94. jim@falcon ridge says:

    I have long believed that selling annuities is about knowing and understanding how people feel. Once you know how they feel it is possible to probe deeply into their personal life and their finances. This goes hand in hand with the need to be appreciated. Appreciation is understanding how another person relates to you, themselves and their surroundings. Selling annuities is learning the art of asking the right questions in order to solicit a feeling response.

  95. steve@grayling estates says:

    Building relationship with clients requires trust and confidence. Make sure that you speak in a friendly but professional manner so as to gain their trust and confidence in you. You have to listen carefully take down notes to help you in doing the next step.

  96. chris@west terrace says:

    You should aim to create a lasting relationship with your clients. You can do this by continuously guiding your clients with your ongoing service. This is also an opportunity to offer them other annuities you have and gain referrals.
    Always remember to give a hundred percent (and more) in every service you need to provide for them to obtain their trust and loyalty to you.

  97. nate@jesse's bluff says:

    Consultative selling and consultative planning are good strategies to build long-lasting relationships with any clients. Consultative planning is the process of getting information together about a prospective client's wants and needs, interests and goals, and plans and assets. They should be put together, in order to produce a single fool-proof plan that will lead to the prospective client's overall satisfaction. Financial adviser's should fight this head on by finding information and analyzing it once they have been generated. Then, they should be turned into the best service and product that the clients want and need.

  98. Yes selling is an important thing and the way you sell is more important. I like it if the customers come to me and ask for help. I am the expert for the problem and the buy from me. I don't sell them stuff.

    thx for sharing this information.

  99. pat@the vineyards says:

    hen you meet with your prospect, you should try to gather as much related information as you can. This will create an impression that you are working towards giving them the best possible offer you can give. Do not be afraid to ask a lot of questions. These questions will help you learn about your prospects needs, wants and what their plans are.
    Make sure that you speak in a friendly but professional manner so as to gain their trust and confidence in you. You have to listen carefully take down notes to help you in doing the next step. Because you aim to create a long-term relationship with them, even though they are not availing of your annuities now, they may do business with you in the future after they have met their wants.

  100. Build good client-advisor relationship through good service. Always give the best service you can. Continuously guide your client through the contract term and offer them new plans that will both benefit you and your client. You can also employ a reliable company to sell your annuity plans for you. This is the most convenient and easiest way to sell annuities. This is because these companies have the necessary sources and experiences to make good sales. Make sure though that you hire a reliable (preferably reputable) third party can assure you that your annuities will reap maximum benefits when sold.

  101. Alan Willis says:

    Most interesting article. Trust and a professional relationship needs building between both parties.
    It's all about commanding your retirement pot. This is the main thing which we need to focus on here.

  102. Franking Machines says:

    It really does make clients feel better if they feel that you have their best interests at heart.It really does help when you connect with them so the little phone calls and the cards are a great idea as it makes them feel like you are looking after everything and making sure everything is going the way it should be. It they feel like you are doing a good job they will recommend you to other people so it pays do build a good relationship with clients.

  103. neys says:

    Best way to find out is to literally get on the phone or schedule a meeting with a handful of your best customers and simply ask them “What’s important to you when you’re buying what we’re selling. Through endorsements and referrals you will be able to create high quality prospects. You are on the path to building a relationship in a very quick manner.

  104. thx for the info. I have been looking for a fincial advisor and this article helps.

  105. I agree whenever you talk to a fincial advisor about this stuff all they want to do is sell you loads of extra things you dont need. Like its supposed to be some magical number your supposed to reach or something.

  106. web design cardiff says:

    Thanks for your article - it was a very interesting read. I find that dealing with clients in the correct way is not difficult. It is simply all about creating the most comforting and trusting relationship between the two parties, and when I say this, I mean a genuine one. It's a shame to see so many individuals create a fake persona for themselves and from experience, clients and potential customers can see right through.

  107. web design cardiff says:

    I agree. Good client relationship is a best way to sell annuities. I believe that this always will earn you a greater satisfaction when helping others and will also help you with your rewards.

  108. Steven says:

    The best way to find out is to literally get on the phone or schedule a meeting with a handful of your best customers and simply ask them. We must always establish a good relationship with our clients and aim for an excellent service.

  109. Print King says:

    Good to know that it isn’t enough to find out how much money a client has sitting in bank accounts and retirement investments.

  110. pikaso says:

    How many referrals do the returns of annuities really bring?

  111. Jonathan says:

    I really have never understood why sales people never adopted the approach you so clearly described. It makes so much sense to take a steady and systematic approach to selling annuities because let's be honest it's not like buying car insurance. It's probably one of the biggest decisions that a client will make. Whilst chasing quick profits at the expense of integrity seems great in the short term the truth is that later down the line you'll end up getting sued for poor advice, so you may as well get it right in the first place. I think that a client centered approach is essential, that way it builds trust and you are more likely to get referrals from friends of clients that you have helped

  112. Marissa says:

    Good reputation is your best asset if you have good record then poeple keep in trusting you. You must protect your moral to have more customer.

  113. Tina @ Nuclear Medicine Technologist Jobs says:

    I think this principle applies to almost anything related to selling. clients put a whole lot of premium in relationships and most often than not, clients do prefer going with providers/sellers they trust.

  114. Camden Place says:

    Building on client relationships is indeed the secret ingredient to a long and lucrative career. It will not only ensure the loyalty of your clients, but it will throw in some profitable referrals as well.

  115. I totally agree about building a stable relationship with your customers. It's all about the details: if you send a card or personal mail to them. clients automatically feel more welcome when you're doing business with them. It's because you seem to care for them. It is really THAT simple!

  116. Michael says:

    Building a rapport with clients is key to not only finalizing a sale, but more importantly, finding out what they actually need. By allowing them to open up to an insurance license agent, clients feel comfortable enough to explain their financial situation, which in return allows an agent to best assist them. Educating a client is also extremely important in order to allow them to share in the decision making process of purchasing an annuity product. When a client fully understands how investment products work, they are certainly more likely to keep the product and refer you to others.

  117. pat says:

    If you are going to make a sale in today’s world, there is only one principle that you should always stick with: good customer service. Nobody would like to buy something from an unprofessional and unaware seller. That is why it is important to build a client-focused approach to selling.
    It is imperative, both ethically and financially, for a financial advisor to work towards the satisfaction of his prospect or client. He must therefore understand what they need and want and start from there. Consultative planning or selling is a good strategy to use in building good relationships with clients.

  118. MG Lazarus says:

    Good reputation, rapport with clients, persuasive conversation, and trust - all these are equally important when it is about selling. All these will bring your clients back to you, I am sure!

  119. Joe @ Learning Spanish For Kids says:

    I couldnt agree more with the fostering of the relationship, however it is worth pointing out that this article can be applied to almost every facet of life. If you take the time to develop a good relationship in any area, the chances of success and compliance increase tremendously.

  120. Jim says:

    Creating Good Client Relationship. You should aim to create a lasting relationship with your clients. You can do this by continuously guiding your clients with your ongoing service. This is also an opportunity to offer them other annuities you have and gain referrals. Always remember to give a hundred percent (and more) in every service you need to provide for them to obtain their trust and loyalty to you.

  121. Ziga @ Poslovna Darila says:

    The listed points are the essetials however, people nowerdays tend to trust those who they did business in the past or they did business with their relatives. Financial field is real personal orbit where trust plays the key ingrediant for all decisions. Referencess are also vital and don't forget to monitor their brand popularity on the internet using one of the search engines like Google or Bing.

  122. new houses says:

    The chief objective of any annuity is to furnish you with a firm, long-term income supplement. But once you decide to sell your annuity, the primary aspects that are taken into consideration in the estimation of the annuity’s value is the present dollar value of your account, the amount of time you’ve contributed to the account, and the projected future inflation-adjusted rate of return. You should also keep in mind that the spousal provisions also influence the annuity contract.

  123. Writing says:

    In my opinion an annuity program should be disseminating information the better. When an annuity program fully addresses all of your questions and concerns and then goes above and beyond by offering you additional pointers and advice, your chances of being successful increase. The more information that you have about selling your annuities and the more prepared you are, the more sales you will close. Earning top dollar commissions is much easier to accomplish when you have the selling annuity tips and tools that are required for success. This is exactly why annuities can be easily earned through clients!

  124. Easy HCG says:

    Easy HCG...

    Sell annuities | Annuity Leads...

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  126. Neil Hardy says:

    Trust is key for sure, some good points made....

  127. Neil Hardy says:

    Interesting article, thanks for sharing your knowledge.

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