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Social Security Consulting Leads
Maximize Social Security Prospects for Advisors and Agents

Each Day We Get Dozens of Requests from
Our Social Security Maximization Ads on Facebook

Social Security Consulting is an easy service to offer that results in consistent sales of your other products and services.

Advisors and Agents are Crushing it by Attracting New Clients for
Social Security Advice and Social Security Maximization.

These prospects, aged 60 to 66, are also the PERFECT new clients for:

401k rollovers


Long Term Care

Money Management


(we run different ads for each product or service)

  Prospects see this sample Facebook ad

social security leads

The great aspect of these responses is that they are direct from the consumer. These are prime Social Security Maximization Prospects.


These ads run on Facebook and only on Facebook.  There are no third parties involved in collecting these leads. They are direct, genuine and immediate.


Can you assist people in your local area with Social Security Consulting? If yes, we would be happy to refer these consumers.


To see this referral system in action, please select a time on this calendar for a 15-minute demonstration.
Please use the same calendar if interested in mature prospects who have other interests such as investing, benefits of annuities, retirement planning, rollover advice, etc.




David Sage
VP Business Growth for Advisors and Agents


Economics of these direct opt-in leads

$29 per lead (each account has a one-time $299 fee for set-up and exclusivity)

You will close 1 out of 10 (2 out of 10 is more typical but we want to be conservative in our estimates)

Your investment in 10 leads: $290

Value of one new client:  $2,000, $5,000, $10,000 (consider all of the business that the client will do with you over the next 10 years)

In the worst cases, we have found a 10 to 1 payoff of your investment

25A Crescent Drive #1508 Pleasant Hill CA 94523 

Why Give Social Security Advice?

social security claimingIt is the most searched financial term by people aged 60+. This social insurance is the backbone of many retirees' finances. So if you want to be seen, if you want to offer what people want, then you offer social security consulting.  Planning social security benefits is often a large portion of a retiree's income. Once you gain a prospect's trust, then you have opened the doors to your money-making products and services: money management, annuity sales, retirement planning, etc.

To provide social security advice, it is best to have the prospect bring all of their financial documents so that you can do a complete review.  This, of course, is also important for you as you will want to eventually sell other products and services.  Having all of the data is also necessary for you to maximize their monthly benefit.

Too many advisors and agents never learn this simple concept: you earn more by providing the solutions that people want than you do by promoting your products and services.  If you earn trust, people will buy solutions from you for their insurance and investments.  And the #1 way to earn trust is to provide assistance with the issues most important to your prospects.

Security Consulting--what people want

For example, some advisors and agents have added tax preparation as a service.  Why? Tax preparation is not very lucrative, but it is what people want! Everyone must file a tax return. Therefore, it makes sense to provide people with what they want, earn their trust, and then offer your more profitable products and services. You sell more of your investment services, life insurance, annuities, and other offerings if you stop talking about them (your agenda) and first help people with their agenda (e.g. helping them get a bigger social security check).

Can you really help people with social security planning?

Yes.  There are 12 different social security claiming categories for social security retirement benefits. Just having your prospect select the correct category can earn them a larger benefit. Take this simple situation. Mary is divorced and has not remarried.  It is quite possible that she is unaware that she can claim benefits under the ex-husband's earnings record and potentially receive more than the benefits based on her earnings record. There are 11 more such conditions that give rise to potentially higher benefits. Because these benefits are so integral to almost every retirement program, the advice you can provide is crucial for many retirement plans. And while it's not much, simply reminding prospects and clients of survivor benefits is the kind of advice that generates goodwill.

Can your consulting help people increase their benefits?

Yes.  Not only do some people file under the wrong filing category (and get lower benefits as explained in the previous paragraph), they file at the wrong age.  Additionally, they may not know they have the opportunity to change their filing strategy if done within a year of originally filing or suspending benefits in order to get higher benefits later. Just being able to read and interpret the clear information on the social security website is more than what 90% of the population is able to do.

Additionally, you can advise people well before they file for social security on how to maximize benefits.  For example, a business owner has the latitude to set their own salary (amounts they do not take as a salary, they can take as distributions or dividends). The business owner must pay FICA tax only on the amount categorized as salary. FICA tax paid on salary above $6172 per month (in 2022) will add very little to the eventual social security benefits received.  Therefore, a business owner wants to pay himself $6172 per month and receive other benefits as dividends or non-salary distributions.  (See PIA calculations) .

Can you charge for social security advice?

Yes, you can charge for social security advice. Consulting on social security benefits maximization is not investment advice so you do not need to be a registered investment advisor (check your state's rules)! You can charge for this service and then, of course, have new clients for your other products and services. Anyone can call themselves a social security consultant ( again - check with your state and the rules of your broker-dealer or your captive insurance company).

How much time do I need to devote to a case and how do I start a benefits case?
Estimate an hour to meet with the prospect and gather their data.  Estimate one hour to enter the data into the software. Then estimate an hour to meet with the client and deliver the findings.

Where do you find prospects for consulting?

We suggest you get social security leads.  Then, you have an initial meeting to gather financial data (which you will also use to later suggest other products and services) and then an hour to provide your advice. Of course, when you provide your advice, that is the meeting where you also mention some other issues.  "I noticed from your tax return........" or "I see that you have quite a bit invested in ........" Your goal is of course to generate business for your insurance or investment consulting services.

Are you a Social Security Expert (and maybe even ssa or rssa trained)?

While many financial advisors and life agents have taken courses and gotten "certified" as social security consultants (from rssa and ssa), that is an option and not necessary. It takes only a few hours to learn the different claiming strategies and you do not need to become certified or get a credential. You do not need to be a registered social security analyst. You can easily self-educate and advise consumers on how to get their largest social security benefits.  An inexpensive software program does the work for you so you do not need to be a social security expert.

social security administrationWhy you can give better advice than the Social Security Administration

Why would people pay me when they can get free advice at the social security administration? Do financial advisors giving private advice provide benefits social security administration?

Because social security services often give bad or incorrect advice.

Social Security Advice Resources

It's critical that you understand the following: giving social security advice is easy.  Studying just one book will give you more knowledge than 99% of the people who work at the social security administration.  If you are not a self-learner, you can take one of the courses for financial advisors and even get a credential to use after you successfully complete the course. Additionally, there are software programs that do all of the calculations and provide the best strategy for your clients. All you need to do is enter the data.

Everything seems complex at first.  But the information you need to know on the best ways for claiming benefits fits in one book. You could attain expert level if you devote just one week to study.

Resources you can use to help new clients

SS Consulting training:

Companies offering courses:


Software for maximizing SS benefits:

Best book/reference for SS consultants:

Get What's Yours, Laurance Kotlikoff


