Watch these videos. Then, if you need support do not email to get support or your email will get lost--use the above link or the link in your back office. We want to help you FAST, so please use the system we have created for you. Do not contact your sales consultant as they do not get trained in support - we have a dedicated department for that. As stated in the agreement you signed, there is no phone support--support is all completed on the Internet.
Training Videos
How to Follow Up On Your Prospects Guide
Request Support
How to Get Your Calls Answered
Copy of Agreement You Signed
If you skip watching these videos you will fail with the system. Additionally, as in your agreement, you cannot get replacements for leads unless you watch the consulting call video. At the end of that video, we include a question which you must answer as evidence that you watched the video.
How to set your email so that you do not miss any of our emails. Please make the setting before proceeding to the other videos. Run Time 5:22
Watch if you did not already attend the Initiation Webinar. Run time 15 minutes.
These are the most critical issues that advisors miss when they fail with Retirement Prospects Run time 9:08
How to make changes to your prospect types, radius and other settings Run time 9:25
Need Help? Don't call your sales consultant. He cannot help you. Run Time 7:03
How to control your prospect flow to get more or fewer prospects --only YOU can control your lead flow, Retirement Prospects has NO CONTROL Run time 7:00
Download the guide shown in this video. Run Time 8:35
EVERY PROSPECT we send you is genuine and legitimate and we explain the proof on this video and how to respond to prospects who forget they requested information. The detailed script is in "How to Follow Up On Your Leads"
How to get prospects replaced that fail the Retirement Prospects guarantee Run Time 4:20
How to Personalize Booklets and Use Autosend Feature Run time 7:47
How to handle compliance issues Run Time 8:48
The autoresponder will send an email every 4 days to your leads to keep them warm and hopefully, have them call you 4:10
The text messaging feature will send 3 text messages to each prospect. This feature is off until you turn it on. 5:04